Thursday, July 31, 2008

Egg hunt

So, I assumed that the chickens found it too hot to lay. We had no eggs in the coop since last Thursday.

However, as I walked around the coop, under the crape myrtle I found:

Apparently Woodstock is now laying as well. So, the golf balls are back in the nesting box. I found two eggs in the box yesterday, and none under the crape myrtle.

Silly birds.....

Saturday, July 26, 2008


MSF early this morning and into the afternoon. I'm amazed at all I learned. My confidence level is much improved; no one should be allowed to ride a motorcycle until they've had this course.

Fuel, ignition, neutral, emergency stop and choke.

Stop, look, press and roll.

Tomorrow's the road test, and Monday I take the written test at DPS.

Friday, July 25, 2008

"Normal" Day

A cool morning - and I don't have to work until Sunday. Up early to wait for sprinkler installer who is providing operating instructions (on/off, etc.). Plans to go to movie with Bubba, and maybe lunch as well. Also need to hit Kohl's for blue jeans for motorcycle riding.
Things to do today (you betcha):
  1. Clean chicken coop.
  2. Laundry.
  3. Sam's Club.
  4. Complete at least five (5) rows on Tree of Life afghan.
  5. Gather materials for MSF.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Two Wheels

My new motorcycle was delivered yesterday. I sucked it up and rode around the neighborhood - slow and steady. I was/am so nervous! I got really good at making left turns, and made one to the right to get into the driveway.

Rode again today - much more nervous and unsure of my abilities. I rode in the Mormon church parking lot and was not real comfortable. Then, this evening I started the bike to move it into the workshop. Got up the slight hill and the bike started to tip to the right. I was wearing my gardening clogs (not a smart move) and had no steady base to push off with. Called for Christian, and he came over and help me get my balance back. Now, if I wasn't scared before.....

MSF class starts tomorrow night; hopefully there will be exercises taught to strengthen my legs. I don't think I bought too big of a bike; just need to learn the limits of the bike, and myself.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Heat continues.....

Another warm morning in Northern Texas makes the memories of cool spring days that much more precious.

Night three of five at work tonight. Holding out for long weekend and motorcycle safety course. Great experience working with the "other" block. No worries about moving to resource pool now that I know that they work well together.

Lawn sprinklers to be installed today. Waiting for call to babysit Alaina as her Mom is beginning to labor. Will I ever learn to just say no?