My new motorcycle was delivered yesterday. I sucked it up and rode around the neighborhood - slow and steady. I was/am so nervous! I got really good at making left turns, and made one to the right to get into the driveway.
Rode again today - much more nervous and unsure of my abilities. I rode in the Mormon church parking lot and was not real comfortable. Then, this evening I started the bike to move it into the workshop. Got up the slight hill and the bike started to tip to the right. I was wearing my gardening clogs (not a smart move) and had no steady base to push off with. Called for Christian, and he came over and help me get my balance back. Now, if I wasn't scared before.....
MSF class starts tomorrow night; hopefully there will be exercises taught to strengthen my legs. I don't think I bought too big of a bike; just need to learn the limits of the bike, and myself.